Energy and power, solar energy resources, solar astronomy. (Lecture 5) презентация в формате PowerPoint - скачать бесплатно

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Energy and power, solar energy resources, solar astronomy. (Lecture 5)

1: IE290 Alternate Energy Course Lecture , 5 Energy and Power, Solar Energy Resources Solar Astronomy

2: Notion of the Cost per peak watt installed Peak Watt 1000W 1kW Is the power produced at normal incidence of solar radiation 1000W/m2. $/Wp - Easy way to compare various solar conversion devices. Mostly useful for electric power generation devices, such as for: Hydro; PV; Wind, Solar Thermal Electric, etc.

3: Solar Monitoring However, each geographical location has its characteristic insolation. For that purpose we need to have a number of solar monitoring stations AUA has the first automated solar monitoring station in Armenia. There are 24 SMS-s in San Francisco

4: Components of Solar Radiation Direct Normal, DN – pure direct sun rays that hit a surface, normal to the rays. Diffuse Horisontal, DH Global Horisontal, GH

5: Direct Normal realization Concentration Tracking: DN inclined Diffuse (PV panel)

7: Solar Monitoring in Armenia – Amberd Meteo Station

8: Solar Monitoring in Armenia – Amberd Meteo Station

9: Solar Monitoring in Armenia – Amberd Meteo Station

10: Solar Monitoring in Armenia – Amberd Meteo Station

11: Solar Monitoring in Armenia – Amberd Meteo Station

12: Solar position Calculator http://www. spectralcalc. com/solarcalculator/solarposition. php

13: AUA Solar Monitoring Station Collecting data since 1995

15: AUA Solar Monitoring Station

16: AUA Solar Monitoring Station

17: AUA SMS RESULTS Total Annual Global horizontal: 1720kWh/m2. Average of 4. 7 kWh/m2 per day across years (DNDH). January about 6. 6 times less than in June: January: 1. 1 kWh/m2 per day. June: 8. 3 kWh/m2 per day.

18: PVGIS - Europe

20: üì ÑñÃÏÝ»ñÇ ûåïÇÙÉ Ã»ùáõÃÛáõÝÁ ïñ»ÏÝ ÙùëÇÙáõÙ Ý»ñÇÝ ëïÝÉáõ ÑÙñ

21: AUA Solar Monitoring Station Collecting data since 1995

22: Best day of June

23: Worst Day in January

24: Best day of January

25: More SMS graphs

26: More SMS graphs

31: This info is available : http://rredc. nrel. gov/solar/olddata/nsrdb/1961-1990/redbook/atlas/

32: European Global Horizontal

33: Global Horizontal in Armenia

34: Solar Radiation in Armenia ÐáñÇáÝÏÝ ÙÏ»ñևáõÛÃÇ éí»ÉáõÛÝ áõÙñÛÇÝ ÖéÛÃáõÙÁ ÙÇçÇÝ ÙåÙÍáõÃÛÝ åÛÙÝÝ»ñáõÙ 1740-1770 ÏìïÅ/(Ù2. ïñÇ) êÇëÇÝ, æ»ñÙáõÏ, ÂÉÇÝ և ÛÉÝ, ÜáõÛÝÁ ÝíáõÛÝÁ 1230-1240 ÏìïÅ/(Ù2. ïñÇ) ìÝÓáñ, îßÇñ, êï»փÝíÝ, ÇÉÇçÝ և ÛÉÝ, ØÃÝáÉáñïÇ ÙÇçÇÝ ïñ»ÏÝ ÃփÝó»ÉÇáõÃÛáõÝÁ 0. 73-0. 78, ºñևÝáõÙ ÑáõÉÇëÇÝ 0. 94, ÑáõÝíñÇÝ 0. 62, ìÝÓáñáõÙ ÑáõÉÇëÇÝ 0. 51, ÑáõÝíñÇÝ 0. 67, êևÝáõÙ ÑáõÉÇëÇÝ 0. 78, ÑáõÝíñÇÝ 0. 72

35: Solar Radiation in Armenia ºñևÝáõÙ ÑáõÉÇëÇÝ ÑáñÇáÝÏÝ ÙÏ»ñևáõÛÃÇ ûñÏÝ áõÙñÛÇÝ ճéÛÃÑñáõÙÁ 8. 14 ÏìïÅ/(Ù2. ûñ), ÜáõÛÝÁ ÑáõÝíñÇÝ ÑáõÉÇëÇ ÝÏïÙÙµ 20-22 or less, úïÏñ ç»ñÙÛÇÝ Ý»ñÇÝ »åÇ Ññí ÏáÕÙ-ÝáñáßíÍ և 300-Ç Ã»ùáõÃÛÙµ ÙÏ»ñևáõÛÃÇÝ ÙÇÝãև ßáõñç 900 ÏìïÅ/(Ù2. ïñÇ), úïÏñ ç»ñÙÝ»ñÇÛÇ ùÝÏÝ å»ë ÏËíÍ Ññà ÏáÉ»ÏïáñÇ ßÑáñÍÙÝ é»ÅÇÙÝ»ñÇó և ÁÝÏÝáÕ ճéÛÃÛÇÝ ÑáëùÇ ËïáõÃÛáõÝÇó:

36: Homework 5

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